Every Step is a Kick
Every step is a kick, every kick is a step
For melee combat we need to look past kicking as we think of it in combat sports. A kick is also a step for footwork as well as a take down or a throw. When it comes to removing threats, kicking is not as effective as a knee and a knee is not as effective as striking with the hips and body. Striking with the hips can easily knock someone to the ground where they can be kicked in the back of the head as you run toward your next target. Attacking with your own knees is very effective, but picking up the leg compromises your balance and is not often worth the risk. Consider using knees as part of steps. There is a time and place even for high kicks in melee combat, but it is rare. The highest frequency leg attacks incidental knees while moving. Another useful tactic is to kicking behind their knees from a crouch to pull them closer as your rotate your leg. This can expose their back while and stomp the back of their knees into the pavement while attacking their neck from behind. Don’t assume a kick or leg attack will do any harm whatsoever. Don’t rely strikes of any kind as the end goal. Sometimes they miss and sometimes people are tough and keep going anyway. Human can keep attacking even while fatally wounded. Don’t underestimate the power of adrenaline. Instead use kicks as part of your overall movement pattern. The best time to kick someone in the head is when they are already horizontal and dazed. The second best time is whenever you can get away with it.